The South African ruling party, the ANC, and the SACP are proposing a Protection of Information Bill and a media tribunal. If this is passed, it’ll mean that the government can control what information, be it in the form of an article, film, an ad or even a conversation, is “suitable” for “public interest”. This poses threats to our human rights, our freedom of expression and the principle of openness and access to justice. As much as this is legally against our Constitution at the moment, who knows what people will do to get their way.

Let’s make some noise and make a difference. The I Say Bubble is one way. You can also send in comments, news, suggestions, videos or photos and I’ll post them on this blog.

Get involved. Speak up. Spread the word.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Download the I Say Bubble PDF.
  2. Print as many as you like, as big as you like. (Places like Postnet go up to A0.)
  3. Write what you want to say about this whole thing.
  4. Stick up your message anywhere you think others will read it.
  5. If you have a camera on you, take a pic and send it in.

A few suggestions:


  • Why not print a gigantic vinyl I Say Bubble and hang it along your building for all to see?

For everyone else….

Sticky stuff:

  • Broad, clear tape works well.
  • Prestik works too.
  • Or print on label or sticker paper.

Great places to stick:

  • The office kitchen.
  • Your car window.
  • A building foyer.
  • A store window.
  • Your class notice board.
  • On walls with lots of traffic driving by.

Go wild!